Friday, December 10, 2021

David Gold "Hanging In"

Above, David Gold.

Over the past few months, I was wondering what happened to former talk show host David Gold. His Facebook page has been gone for months.

I always enjoyed his insights on politics and current affairs.

Apparently, he had a fall (knee-related is what I am gathering) and suffered a fractured clavicle and, more seriously, a head injury.

Kevin McCarthy posted the following two days ago on David's current status:

David Gold update from DeAnna: (summarized)

First of all, thank you all for your thoughts and prayers.

As of tonight, David is still hanging in there... was able to cross room with walker yesterday and today. ASAP, he will be moved from the hospital to a rehab unit that we all think is the best one locally. After a few weeks there, then it'll be safe to do another angiogram to see if he is safe from another bleed in his brain. He's still struggling with pain from his knee, and a complex break in his clavicle.

They are postponing treatment of the clavicle until the brain injury is sorted and it's safe to mess with him. If all goes well, at some point he'll be able to come home but we are looking at a long road ahead.

My best wishes to David and DeAnna.  

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