Tuesday, December 14, 2021

Durango Train: Who's Conducting Who?

Above, the Durango train at Rockwood Station in September 2020. Photo by Armand Vaquer.

The lawsuit between the Durango & Silverton Narrow Gauge Railroad and La Plata County over who has regulatory jurisdiction over the train and its operations rolls along. 

At the heart of the matter was the use of Rockwood Station, 15 miles north of Durango, Colorado during the pandemic and into 2021. 

According to the Durango Telegraph:

Who has regulatory authority over the historic Durango & Silverton Narrow Gauge Railroad? Well, that’s a loaded question that should receive further clarification as part of a lawsuit between the railroad and La Plata County over the increased use at the Rockwood station north of Durango.

The D&SNG filed the lawsuit May 21 after La Plata County issued the railroad a notice that it may be in violation of the county’s land-use code for ramping up operations at Rockwood in the past year without first going through the proper channels. According to neighbors, using Rockwood as a major point of departure has caused all kinds of problems with traffic, noise, trespassing, litter and increased fire danger.

The D&SNG, for its part, argues its operations pre-date the county’s codes, and even still, it is only subject to regulatory authority from the PUC. The railroad says operations out of Rockwood are now essential to the company’s success, accounting for millions of dollars in profits. When it shut down Rockwood trips this spring until this matter is settled, 30% of customers chose to cancel rather than rebook a ride out of Durango.

In the meantime, the D&SNG has ceased major operations out of Rockwood. Despite losing those trips, the railroad reported one of its best years on record in 2021. Because the case is active, representatives with D&SNG and La Plata County denied commenting for this story.

Back in September 2020, I took a Durango train ride to Cascade Canyon from Rockwood Station. Then, last April, I paid a visit to the Durango train station and noticed that the trains were departing and arriving from there, confirming the last paragraph in the article. The railroad has operated Rockwood Station for over 140 years, long before any residences nearby were built.

Above, the Durango train departing Durango Station in April 2021. Photo by Armand Vaquer.

I suspect the resident malcontents are probably liberals who moved into Colorado (possibly from California). In case you haven't noticed, liberals tend to ruin communities they move into.  

To read the full article, go here.

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