Thursday, December 23, 2021

Gov. Lujan Grisham's Lavish Dinner Party

Above, Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham.

People who find their wives, girlfriends or "significant others" are lying to them, the best course of action is to give them the boot, for they belong to the streets. The same goes for lying politicians, male or female, and those who live lavishly at taxpayers' expense while people are suffering the pandemic. In either case, you can never trust them again.

Well, Gov. "Malevolent Michelle" Lujan Grisham has been caught living "high on the hog" at the taxpayers' expense. PiƱon Post has the full story.

It begins with:

While New Mexicans suffered one of the nation’s highest unemployment rates, record-high inflation, and soaring gas prices Michelle Lujan Grisham traveled to Scotland for a “climate change” summit called “COP26,” which focused on funding climate change extremism through cooperation between global stakeholders.

At the Scotland event, scandal-ridden alleged serial groper Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham announced radical job-killing proposals she aims to ram through the 2022 Legislative Session that will not only cripple New Mexico’s energy economy but will harm the poor in significant ways. Many of her cabinet secretaries and staff joined her.

At the time, the Governor’s spokeswoman Nora Sackett bragged about how the taxpayers would not be funding the trip, claiming a climate change dark money group would be footing the bill instead.

However, once Lujan Grisham arrived back in New Mexico, Inspection of Public Records Act requests revealed that in early November, right after she got back from the vacation-style “climate” excursion, the taxpayers footed the bill for a swanky seven-person dinner party at the Governor’s Mansion. 

According to the documents obtained in the IPRA, the taxpayers paid Abobo Catering $1,057.27 for the party, totaling over $150 for each person’s expensive meal. 

To read more, including the party's bill, go here.

She belongs on the streets. Voters can send her there next November!

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