Tuesday, December 21, 2021

Newsweek: Millions of Angry, Armed Americans Stand Ready to Seize Power If Trump Loses in 2024

Above, an image Rep. Steve King used that flipped out liberals.

It seems that liberals and other leftist groups are beginning to panic over the upcoming 2022 and 2024 elections. They are indulging in a growing belief that there will be a civil war (of sorts) if Donald Trump loses.

Contrary to what the liberal media has been saying about the manipulated 2020 elections, there's plenty of  evidence that something mighty fishy went on during the wee hours of election night that put His Fraudulency Joe Biden into the White House. Nobody can ever convince me that the 2020 election was "fair and square".

Newsweek posted an article whose premise is that if Trump loses in 2024 (that's provided he even runs) that "millions of angry, armed Americans stand ready to seize power."

They wrote:

America's massive and mostly Republican gun-rights movement dovetails with a growing belief among many Republicans that the federal government is an illegitimate tyranny that must be overthrown by any means necessary. That combustible formula raises the threat of armed, large-scale attacks around the 2024 presidential election—attacks that could make the January 6 insurrection look like a toothless stunt by comparison. "The idea that people would take up arms against an American election has gone from completely farfetched to something we have to start planning for and preparing for," says University of California, Los Angeles law professor Adam Winkler, an expert on gun policy and constitutional law.

Both Democrats and Republicans are rapidly losing faith in the integrity of U.S. elections. Democrats worry that voter suppression and election interference from Republican state officials will deny millions of Americans their say at the polling booths. A PBS NewsHour/ NPR/ Marist poll in early November reported that 55 percent of Democrats saw voter suppression as the biggest threat to U.S. elections. Republicans claim, contrary to the evidence, that Democrats have already manipulated vote counts through fraud to steal a presidential election. An October CNN poll found that more than three-quarters of Republicans falsely believe Joe Biden's 2020 election win was fraudulent.

If armed violence erupts the 2024 elections, quelling it could fall to the U.S. military, which may be reluctant to take arms against U.S. citizens. In that case, the fate of the nation might well be decided by a simple fact: a big subset of one of the two parties has for years been systemically arming itself for this very reason.

"I hope it's just too crazy to happen here," says Erica De Bruin, an assistant professor of government at Hamilton College, who studies coups around the world. "But it's now in the realm of the plausible."

I think it is a little too soon to worry if people will take up arms and seize the government in the aftermath of the 2024 election. If they do, the Democrats would only have themselves to blame since they've made a mess of the economy, reignited the worst inflation since the the 1970s, the Afghanistan debacle, threatening to pack the Supreme Court, imposing Marxism/socialism and other chicanery. 

The incompetence of Joe Biden and the Democrats are so plainly visible, the 2022 mid-term elections may make any kind of insurrection in 2024 totally unnecessary if congress is decidedly flipped, especially if the mid-term elections are seen as clean and honest.

To read the full article, go here.

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