Friday, December 31, 2021

Package From Russia

Above, Asya and Fanni calendar. 

The last gathering of the Jamestown gang for 2021 took place this morning in Denny's at the Flying J. 

Before heading over to Denny's, I went to the post office and found that a package had arrived. It was from Asya in St. Petersburg, Russia. It was a calendar (pictured above) she had made of photos of her and her model friend Fanni while she was stuck in Scandinavia last year for a few months when the pandemic essentially made travel back to Russia a bit difficult. She may have some made and available for sale. We have been in discussions making them available through my blog. We'll see.

The photo below was after I got to Denny's and I sent it to Asya to let her know the package arrived. I had also sent her a package for Christmas and it is en route to St. Petersburg from Moscow. The last status of it was posted last week. It should be arriving in St. Petersburg at any time. 

Above, the photo I sent to Asya to let her know the package arrived.

The package also included some Russian candies, which I passed around to the guys.

After our gathering at Denny's, it started to snow as we were leaving the Flying J. We are expecting the main snowstorm tonight. So I'll be spending New Year's at home tonight. 

Happy New Year!

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