Friday, December 31, 2021


Now that we're less than ten hours away from 2022 (at least here in New Mexico), I was thinking that 2021 was a weird year.

It wasn't as bad as 2020. At least some semblance of "normalcy" came back. Not totally, but some. 

2022 is an election year. That is, for all members of the House of Representatives and the U.S. Senate (well, a third of them). The election will determine if enough Republicans can get elected to put a check on the craziness of the Democrats who control both legislative bodies and bring back some sanity to Washington.

Hopefully, enough people have had enough of the lunacy that the Democrats have put us through since January and give them the big boot. There's a meme out there about Republicans and Democrats. It goes something like this: "Republicans may be stupid, but the Democrats are insane." I'll go along with that.

I didn't travel as much in 2021 as I would have liked. I had some extensive dental work done during the summer that put a crimp on that. But I plan to do more in 2022. I recently had a check-up with my cardiologist, which included an electrocardiogram (ECG). Well, after my cardiologist reviewed the ECG print-out, he came into the examining room. I asked, "How does it look?" He replied, "Well, it looks as good as your boots!" I was wearing my new (as of last January) pair of boots. 

It is hard to believe in a little over a month from now, it will be four years since I moved out of California to New Mexico. What has transpired in California politically since then tells me that I got out just in the nick of time. I am still enjoying New Mexico. Even with its own wacko Democrat  government, it is still nowhere near as bad as California.

Will 2022 be a better year? Hopefully so. Only time will tell.

 Happy New Year!

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