Thursday, December 16, 2021

Rialto Paramedics Refuse To Treat Man In Cardiac Arrest In Acute Care Facility

The insanity that has taken over the state of California knows no bounds.

The latest is about Rialto Fire Department paramedics who refused to treat a patient in an acute care facility who was in cardiac arrest until he was brought outside, citing some coronavirus law or guideline.

The incident is under investigation and the paramedics involved have been put on leave.

Fox 11 News reported:

RIALTO, Calif - The city of Rialto is investigating paramedics who allegedly refused to enter a care facility to help a man who wasn't breathing, citing a COVID-19 guideline that doesn't seem to be in effect.

The 911 call came from the Rialto Post Acute Care Center at about 7:50 p.m. on Nov. 11. Video obtained by FOX 11 from a Rialto police officer's body camera shows two Rialto Fire responders at the open door of the center, wearing masks, but not entering. 

The officer walks in and his exchange with center personnel is clear. As he walked down the hallway, he tried to explain to them that the paramedics were not coming in because of some "state COVID" guideline. Inside the patient’s room, a registered nurse was on top of him, administering CPR, with the help of other certified nursing assistants at her side. It seemed they couldn't move the man’s bed, because it had no wheels. 

That’s when the officer got behind the bed and began to push. With the help of the personnel, the nurse still on top of the man, they steered the bed down the hallways. At one point, you hear him telling the clearly exhausted nurse that she is doing a great job and not to stop. 

They made it through the front door, to the waiting paramedics, who eventually took over the CPR. There was clearly some frustration in the exchange between the staff and the paramedic in charge, as they talked about the patient, who has been identified as 56-year-old Joseph Angulo. He was transported to a local hospital but did not survive. 

To read more, go here.

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