Tuesday, December 21, 2021

Tiger Missing

Above, Tiger. Photo by Armand Vaquer.

Tiger, the last of D.K.'s kittens from summer, has disappeared.

I fear the worst as coyotes have been in the area of the arroyo behind my property. They've been seen and heard over the past several days and the last time I saw Tiger was last Friday or Saturday.

She usually hung around with a large gray cat and he has been here eating. He has a lost look as if he's missing her.

She was one feral cat I would have liked to have kept, but catching her would have been very difficult at best. She slept in the Cat's Condo that I have on the deck. It has been untouched for days. I am hoping she turns up, but as each day goes by, that hope dwindles. 

Her mother, D.K., has been here today. 

At the Flying J this morning, I was talking to my neighbor James and we discussed the coyotes. It looks like we may have to do another coyote hunt.

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