Tuesday, December 14, 2021

Wholesale Prices Rise 9.6% In Year-Over-Year Average, A Record Increase

With voter fraud and stupid people being allowed to vote, His Fraudulency Joe Biden is now in the White House and has made a mess of everything he's touched.

One can say that Biden has the "Midas Touch" in reverse, Everything He Touches Turns To Shit.

Here's the latest, from the Daily Wire:

The United States Department of Labor announced more troubling news for the Biden administration as wholesale prices of consumer goods rose 9.6% year-over-year from November 2020-November 2021, setting a record since the department started tracking these figures in 2010.

CNBC reported that “the producer price index for final demand products increased 9.6% over the previous 12 months after rising another 0.8% in November.”

The business new outlet also noted that economists had predicted an annual gain of 9.2%.

The news comes as several economists have called on the Federal Reserve to hike interest rates to help combat inflation across the economy. 

To read more, go here

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