Thursday, January 13, 2022

Akira Takarada Hospitalized

Above, J. D. Lees and Akira Takarada at G-FEST in 2019. Photo by Armand Vaquer.

It has been reported by the NorthEast ComicCon & Collectibles Extravaganza that actor Akira Takarada has been hospitalized and is unable to attend the convention that takes place March 8-11 in Boxboro Regency Hotel in Boxborough, Massachusetts.

They posted on Facebook:

Akira Takarada had a seizure involving his heart and he is now hospitalized to recover. His condition is not life threatening, but he will need time to recover. He hopes to reschedule his NorthEast ComicCon appearance at a later date.

Akira Takarada was a guest at the last G-FEST in Rosemont, Illinois, which took place before the pandemic in 2019. 

Best wishes to Takarada-san for a speedy and full recovery.

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