Saturday, January 29, 2022

Finding A Good RV Service Department

Above, La Mesa RV in San Diego. Photo by Armand Vaquer.

One of the things that RV owners need is a good service department for those times when something in the rig goes haywire.

Luckily for me, I bought my RV at La Mesa RV in San Diego which, as it fortunately turns out, has a dealership in Albuquerque. For the times I needed work done, they performed just fine as did their San Diego location when I had some recall work done.

For normal maintenance things (tune-ups, oil changes, trip checks, etc.), I have a mechanic in Gallup.

RV Travel has an article on finding a good service department that includes a list of things to look for.

They begin with:

We all have our “must-have” lists when purchasing a big-ticket item. We use these lists because they help narrow down our choices when, say, buying an RV. You may not want the same features on your RV that I do. That’s okay. Everyone is different. But one feature that all RV owners will undoubtedly want (and need eventually) is a good service department. Is that “must-have” on your list? It should be!

To read the full article, go here

1 comment:

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