Saturday, January 22, 2022

First Gun Control Bill of 2022 Filed

The 2022 legislative session in New Mexico has opened and already the Democrats who are in control are targeting our gun rights.

I received the following email from Zach Fort, president of the New Mexico Shooting Sports Association:

We knew it was coming, but it's finally been filed. The first gun-control bill of the 2022 New Mexico Legislative Session was just introduced this afternoon. HB9, "Unlawful Access to Firearm by Minor," was filed by several Democrat legislators from Albuquerque. It is currently in the House Rules and Order of Business Committee while we wait to see if it is added to the "call" by the governor. Keep in mind that in a 30-day budgetary session a bill that is not related to the budget has to be called upon by the governor to be heard.

The bill creates criminal penalties for a gun owner if their firearm is accessed by a minor without the gun owners permission. Besides being unnecessary, as an adult can already be charged with a crime if they place a minor in a harmful situation through New Mexico's child endangerment laws, the bill would make it easy to target gun owners through civil fines. In the bill, a petition for a civil fine of $1,000 can be brought against an offending gun owner by anyone who is the parent or guardian of a minor.

The data shows these types of laws don't work to save lives. They can even make it harder to defend yourself in your own home. But this proposed law seeks to go even further by making someone afraid to own a gun through civil penalties that almost anyone can bring against them.

We will be keeping a careful eye on this bill. There will be no opportunity for public comment before the House Rules and Order of Business as the bill is only there until a determination is made on whether or not the bill will be added to the session agenda. Stay tuned to our alerts for the latest on what is happening in Santa Fe.


  1. This is not right this is an infringement on our rights as Americans citizens stop with the tyranny I don't appreciate government telling me how to defend or store my firearms I am a grown man I know how to take care of my stuff worry about yourself start working for the people and earn your votes cuz remember we pay for your paycheck and what's sad is you guys make too much and still try to take our tax dollars to make unconstitutional decisions

  2. Stop with the tyranny what you guys are doing is wrong what happened to the government working for the people not against the people we the people make your paycheck to stop with the unconstitutional decisions on American citizens rights ever since Democrats tooken over New Mexico you guys have done nothing but destroy our way of living you guys only care you guys only care about the people when is time for your voting the voting against the American people's rights
