Thursday, January 20, 2022

Movies In The Mail

Today's mail included three DVDs. One of them I ordered and two were Christmas presents from my former roommate Jessica.  

The two from Jessica were GoldenEye (1995) and Tomorrow Never Dies (1997), which star Pierce Brosnan as James Bond. I hadn't warmed up to Brosnan as Bond until after some years went by, so I hadn't added them to my collection. But more on those two movies tomorrow.

The one I ordered was Clint Eastwood's directorial debut, Play Misty For Me (1971). I had it on VHS from taping it off of HBO or Cinemax back in the 1980s. I always enjoyed it as Jessica Walter gave a great performance as a psychotic fan of radio D.J. Eastwood. 

From what I read of critics's reviews, watching the movie now (50 years later), the period clothing really dates it, but the movie itself holds up great. They are amused by the bellbottoms and loud early 70s clothes. 

What I liked about it was that it is set in Carmel-By-The-Sea, California. Eastwood, as many should recall, eventually was elected mayor of the city. I've always loved that area of Carmel and Monterey. 

I'll watch Play Misty For Me Tomorrow evening.

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