Sunday, January 23, 2022

New Airline to Connect Asia to the U.S.

Above, Tokyo's Ginza Crossing. Photo by Armand Vaquer.

Starting a new airline may be risky business, especially during a pandemic year where, no pun intended, things are up in the air. 

This airline is to connect the U.S. to destinations in Asia, particularly, South Korea and Japan.

Travel Off Path reported:

New U.S. Airline, Northern Pacific Airways, is hoping to hit the skies in late 2022, offering travelers new options to fly from North America to destinations within Asia.

On the airline’s official website they state, “An airline should do more than just ‘get you there.’ Northern Pacific Airways will be a new bridge between people and place, connecting the U.S. to Korea’s and Japan’s breathtaking sites and millennia-old culture.”

Well, the more, the merrier. 

To read more, go here.

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