Tuesday, January 25, 2022

Readin' Material For Snow Day

Above, readin' material from the mailbox today. Photo by Armand Vaquer.

Since it is supposed to snow tonight (60% chance) and tomorrow (30% chance), it is a good thing that I received some readin' material in the mailbox today.

It'll probably be too cold to be outside tomorrow, so it is just as well I have things to read while holed up indoors.

Above, The Beast back in the GOCO Beast Barn. Photo by Armand Vaquer.

While down at the Flying J to get the mail, I also put some gasoline in The Beast so I don't have to spend as much the next time I use it.

After returning home from the Flying J, I put The Beast inside the GOCO Beast Barn. I will fire up the Jeep sometime this afternoon.

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