Sunday, January 23, 2022

Searchlight New Mexico Not So "Nonpartisan"

Above, Searchlight New Mexico's masthead logo.

Yesterday, I received an email from John Block of the Piñon Post on the battle against Critical Race Theory (CRT) in New Mexico.

One part of the email caught my attention.

Here's the passage:

Whether it be battling the racist Critical Race Theory lies or exposing Democrat corruption, the Piñon Post is your trusted source for conservative news and opinion.
Recently, a far-left blog called “Searchlight New Mexico” posted an article that the leftist USA Today network papers in the state picked up called, “Conservatives are fighting educational reforms with a war cry: ‘It’s CRT!’”

The post tried to cancel us for our relentless fight against CRT racism, writing, “The right-wing Piñon Post, whose pro-Trump founder was at the Capitol during the Jan. 6 insurrection, published multiple anti-CRT screeds.”
Like I always say, when the Radical Democrats know they’ve lost an argument, their knee-jerk reaction is to paint us as “insurrectionists,” “racists,” and other types of desperate names. 

I have never heard of Searchlight New Mexico until now, so I Googled it and went over to take a look.

In their "About" page, they have the following posted:
Who We Are 
Searchlight New Mexico is a nonpartisan, nonprofit news organization dedicated to investigative and public service journalism in the interest of the people of New Mexico. 
Our Mission 
Searchlight New Mexico delivers high-impact investigative reporting to inspire New Mexicans to demand action on systemic problems that plague New Mexico. 
Our Vision 
We believe that great reporting can motivate all New Mexicans to confront racial and economic inequities, government corruption and negligence, and abuses of power.

If Searchlight New Mexico is so "nonpartisan", why are they stating that the "pro-Trump founder was at the Jan. 6 insurrection"? Do they think this negates his stand against the racist Critical Race Theory? It looks like the old "if you have no valid rebuttal argument, attack the source" thing. John Block was in Washington that day and marched, but he didn't go inside the Capitol or was ever arrested. 

"Screeds"? Note how they slipped that one in. Another attack.

Contrary to what the left-wing Democrats are trying to portray the January 6, 2021 matter, it was a protest that got out of hand, not an insurrection. This meme is hilariously so since the Capitol Police ushered protesters into the Capitol.

While preparing their article on the CRT battle, did Searchlight New Mexico even bother to talk to John Block? If not, that's hardly "investigative reporting".

So much for their "non-partisan" bullshit. Perhaps if we do some background checking of their staff, we just might get some interesting revelations.

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