Wednesday, July 13, 2022

9.1% Inflation CPI and Stupid People

The report on inflation is out and it is not good. In fact, it exceeded forecasts.

Bloomberg reported:

US inflation roared again to a fresh four-decade high last month, likely strengthening the Federal Reserve’s resolve to aggressively raise interest rates that risks upending the economic expansion.

The consumer price index rose 9.1% from a year earlier in a broad-based advance, the largest gain since the end of 1981, Labor Department data showed Wednesday. The widely followed inflation gauge increased 1.3% from a month earlier, the most since 2005, reflecting higher gasoline, shelter and food costs.

To read more, go here.

Nobody really needs a report to be fully aware that everything we buy is costing a hell of a lot more. With that being said, I heard a radio report on the upcoming mid-term elections. From what I heard, there's a lot of stupid people out there.

The report on the radio said 41% of people want the Democrats to retain control of congress, while 40% want Republicans to take over. While this is close, it concerns me that there are so many stupid people out there.

Who in their right mind want the Democrats to be in control of anything? They and His Fraudulency Joe Biden got us into the mess we're in and continually are making it worse. 41% is an awful lot of stupid people.

This goes with what I've been saying for years: Stupid People Should Not Be Allowed To Vote!

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