Monday, July 18, 2022

A Good Guy With A Gun Stopped An Armed Bad Guy

Yesterday's shooting at the Greenwood Park Mall in Greenwood (near Indianapolis) is a perfect example of why there's a Second Amendment.

It was simply a case of a good guy with a gun stopping a bad guy with a gun.

Andrea Widburg in American Thinker wrote:

Even with the best will, training, and resources in the world, unless police are already on the scene when a shooting starts, there will be a lag time between the shooter’s control over the scene and the police’s arrival. The only thing that can change the dynamic during that interval before the police arrive is a legal gun owner willing to act. That’s what happened in Indianapolis, when a man started shooting in a shopping mall, killing three people and injuring two others, only to be stopped dead by an armed citizen.

As of this writing, a local Fox News affiliate has the most comprehensive report I’ve seen. According to that report, the shooting occurred in Greenwood, at the Greenwood Park Mall. A lone shooter entered the food court with a rifle and several filled magazines. He began to shoot into the mall, killing three people and injuring two others. Fortunately for all the other people in that mall, a 22-year-old man with a legal gun and a good eye killed the shooter. There is no news about the shooter’s identity or motive.

You will likely not see liberals discussing how fortunate that an armed citizen was on the scene before the carnage became worse. It does not fit their narrative.

To read the full article, go here

The Fox59 report.

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