Sunday, July 17, 2022

Another Power Outage

Above, yours truly during the outage. It was more comfortable outside than indoors.

The oh-so-reliable Continental Divide Electric Co-op did it again, or at least their equipment did (or didn't).

At around 2:30 yesterday afternoon, we had another power outage that lasted hours. Some has said that thing kind of thing is to be "expected" in rural areas. I really don't buy that.

Above, Roger's campfire. Photo by Armand Vaquer.

Since I was unable to start my propane stove unless I use match to light it, I decided to join Russell Azbill for dinner at Denny's at the Flying J. The Flying J has a separate power circuit and had power. I had Russell pick me up as I couldn't get the Mustang out of the garage as there was no power for the door opener and the threat of rain made using the Jeep not an option as it is not exactly the most waterproof vehicle I have.

We got to Denny's at about 4:45 and, minutes later, residents at out subdivision reported that power had been restored. So, we were able to return home and have power. 

Above, Roger and Victor. Photo by Armand Vaquer.

Before the power went out, I couldn't get access to the Internet. I don't know if the two were related, but it wouldn't work on my phone or on my computer. I did get access while at Denny's through their WiFi. I joked to Russell that I should have gone to G-FEST (which was going on this weekend) so I wouldn't have to deal with this. (I am shooting for next year to attend G-FEST.) 

After getting home, Roger, one of my friends in Jamestown, invited the gang to his home for a relaxing campfire sit-down. I went up for a while. 

Hopefully, today will be problem-free. 

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