Wednesday, July 27, 2022

Back From Albuquerque

Above, at Sadie's in Albuquerque this morning.

We're back in Jamestown.

I picked up my former roommate Jessica from the airport last night and we spent the night at the Route 66 RV Resort outside of Albuquerque.

It looked like it would rain, but it never did.

We headed to Jamestown following a brunch at Sadie's in Albuquerque. If one wants some excellent Mexican food, New Mexico style, Sadie's is the place to go.

Along the way, we made one stop in Laguna, New Mexico as I was getting drowsy. It was likely a food coma from the big meal we had before heading on the road. I got myself some coffee at the Laguna Burger restaurant there. 

After reaching Jamestown, we were treated to thundershowers. 

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