Wednesday, July 20, 2022

KOB 4 Poll: Most New Mexicans Don’t Want More Anti-gun Laws

Above, the 2020 Second Amendment rally at the New Mexico State Capitol. Photo by Armand Vaquer.

New Mexico may be a predominantly Democrat state, but many Democrats are of the traditional kind (and not the leftist liberals found in Albuquerque and other areas) and value their Second Amendment rights. 

A poll conducted by KOB 4 found that most New Mexico citizens don't want more anti-gun laws.

Piñon Post reported:

On Monday, KOB 4 ran a poll asking New Mexicans if they believed there should be more gun restrictions in the wake of recent mass shootings. 

New Mexicans spoke, and a large majority of respondents gave an emphatic “no,” with 58% saying there is no need for increased firearm restrictions.

41% of respondents said there should be harsher restrictions, while only 1% of New Mexicans were unsure.

Interestingly, yesterday, following breakfast with other Jamestown, New Mexico locals, we headed over to the post office and every one of us had either the latest issues of American Rifleman or American Hunter in their mailboxes. Some of the group are Democrats.

The politicians in Santa Fe should take heed.

To read more, go here.

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