Saturday, July 30, 2022

Whatever Became of...Christina Aguilera?

Above, one of two pages from Metropolis Magazine from 2011 featuring Christina Aguilera and yours truly.

While working on my blog post about eight years since the "Godzilla issue" of Japan's Metropolis Magazine hit the stands, I came across earlier postings of a 2011 article on The Monster Movie Fan's Guide to Japan that was featured in the magazine.

On the same pages where the article on the travel guide appeared was also an article on singer Christina Aguilera. 

A couple of years after those articles appeared, I met Miss Aguilera at work and told her about the articles and offered a copy to her. She indicated that she would have her driver let me know. I don't recall if he ever did or not. I am leaning that he did since I remember bringing a copy.

This got me wondering about what she's been up to lately. I haven't heard of any news on her or any songs (since I just generally listen to Country stations these days) and decided to take a look around. 

Apparently, this has been a good year for her.

Billboard posted yesterday:

It’s been a big year for Aguilera, who released her EP La Fuerza in January, which comes more than 20 years since her first Spanish-language album, Mi Reflejo. “I’ve always had it in me. I never stopped singing in Spanish,” she previously told Billboard. Whenever the opportunities came about where I was really passionate about a project, I’d go for it. I always say when you grow up with something, if it’s part of your household, my mom was fluent in Spanish, that’s how she met and connected with my dad, who’s from Ecuador. I heard the language so much. I always say, when it’s in you, it never leaves you.”

The article also includes some bikini photos.

It is good to see she's doing quite well.

To read the article and see the photos, go here.

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