Sunday, August 14, 2022

COVID Infection?

Above, aboard the Durango train on August 1.

My ex-roommate Jessica gave me some concerning news last night.

She thinks she contracted COVID at the Albuquerque Sunport and is worried that I may have also gotten exposed to it when I took her there.

She came down sick at about Thursday and her dad has the same symptoms as she did. She's going to be tested today. Her dad was tested positive. This will be his third bout with it.

So far, I feel just fine. It has been since Tuesday since we were at the airport. I doubt I got it since I wasn't around anyone at the airport and five days have gone by.

I am not too worried for myself since I am vaccinated and had two boosters. Jessica was also fully vaccinated with boosters. They won't stop being infected, but will lessen the severity.

UPDATE (8/14/22):

Jessica's test came out positive. She has COVID.

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