Saturday, August 13, 2022

Flood and Closure Contributed To Decline In Yellowstone Visitation

Above, Lower Yellowstone Fall. Photo by Armand Vaquer.

The following really should not come as a surprise to anyone paying attention.

The June 13 flooding of Yellowstone National Park and the resulting closure led to a decrrease in overall visitation to the park.

According to the Idaho Statesman:

Historic flooding and park closures have contributed to a 20% decrease in visitors to Yellowstone National Park through the first seven months of 2022. 

In June, 536,601 people visited Yellowstone National Park, which represents a 43% decrease from the record 938,845 people who visited during June 2021, according to a press release from Yellowstone National Park. June 2021 was the busiest June on record in terms of visitors, Yellowstone officials said.

Overall, year-to-date park visitation for 2022 was also down compared to 2021. Through the end of June, 1,268,053 people visited Yellowstone National Park, which is a decrease of 20% compared to the corresponding time period from 2021, park officials said.

Could it be that the excessively high gasoline prices had something to do with the overall decline?

To read more, go here.

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