Tuesday, August 30, 2022

Gun Control Group Wants Credit Card Companies To Flag Gun and Ammo Purchases

Gun control activist organizations are calling on credit card companies to flag gun and ammunition purchases. Obviously, they don't give a rat's behind about people's rights of privacy besides Second Amendment rights.

From Breitbart:

Gabby Giffords’ gun control group, Giffords, is calling on major credit card companies to flag gun and ammunition purchases.

Giffords posted a tweet Sunday, which said, “The shooters in at least 5 mass shootings have stockpiled guns & ammo using credit cards and killed 145 people. Visa, Mastercard, and American Express have the power to flag suspicious purchases and save lives. Call on them to act.”

The tweet linked to a campaign by another gun control group called GunsDownAmerica.

The GunsDownAmerica campaign says, “Between 2007 and 2020, the killers in at least five major mass shootings used credit cards to finance their deadly rampages. These individuals exploited the banking system to purchase large quantities of firearms and ammunition — and the financial industry has the power to stop them.”

At least one card company has resisted this in the past:

On March 9, 2018, Breitbart News reported that Visa refused to succumb to the pressure, noting that it is not the credit card company’s job to “[set] restrictions on the sale of lawful goods and services.”

To read the full article, go here

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