Friday, August 12, 2022

If Your RV Breaks Down In The Middle Of Nowhere

Suppose you're in your RV and you're in the middle of nowhere and it breaks down or if it was involved in an accident and is damaged, what would you do?

Luckily for me, such scenarios haven't occurred. But it is inevitable that sooner or later something will happen. It's just the law of averages.

Do It Yourself RV has posted and article on what to do if one's RV breaks down in the middle of nowhere.

They begin with:

No one wants to experience a breakdown in the middle of nowhere in an RV or otherwise. I have experienced it a couple of times. With a little planning, you can be prepared to handle a breakdown.

What caused the breakdown, and exactly where you are in the middle of nowhere, will affect how you should handle the situation. But here are a few immediate steps you can take to ensure safety for you and your RV. 

To read more, go here

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