Tuesday, August 16, 2022

Interstate 40 Flooded In Both Directions

The monsoon season is continuing here in Northwestern New Mexico.

It isn't too bad in Jamestown, just some showers and a spectacular lightning display, some of which were about a half mile long running parallel to the ground. I am nice and dry at my hillside home.

Interstate 40, six miles west of Jamestown, is flooded in both directions. Some truckers are braving the flooded highway by driving through it. Fools!

There's no alternate route as Route 66, that runs parallel to I-40, was flooded days ago and still hasn't been cleared for use. This storm probably flooded it again.

The photo below is a screen capture from a motorist's video of the flooded area of Interstate 40 at the Fort Wingate exit with semi trucks stopped on Interstate 40.

Maybe it's time to build some arks?

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