Saturday, August 27, 2022

Marathon Day In Ridgway

Above, stopped at a Silverton overlook on the Million Dollar Highway. Photo by Armand Vaquer.

Right now, I am waiting for some daylight so that I can see what I am doing when I put the electrical cord away in its compartment and the water hose into the storage area. Then, I will be taking the nine mile drive to Ridgway for the marathons to begin.

They are to start in the eight o'clock hour.

I have to find the starting area, though. I have a good idea where it is from Ridgway, about 11 miles west of town. 

From what I've seen posted, Patrick Wayne and Ethan Wayne, John Wayne's sons, are here. 

The drive yesterday knocked me for a loop. The Million Dollar Highway was easier than I thought. This was the first time I've driven it. Still, the many switchbacks on the rain-slick road does tax one's energies. 

I went to bed at 7:00 and woke up earlier than usual. Just can't seem to win when it comes to sleep these days.  

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