Saturday, August 13, 2022


Above, the front yard after mowing. Photo by Armand Vaquer.

With all the monsoon rains we've been getting, it is no surprise how the plants outside grew. 

The yard was beginning to look like a tropical rainforest. 

Before it got worse, I decided to do some yard work, which included trimming and mowing the inner yard (that is on the front and east side of the house). 

Above, another view of the front yard. Photo by Armand Vaquer.

The mower would not fit through the gates, so I had to drive it down the street and around the corner to the utility road that is in back of the property. I have a back gate at the utility road that is wide enough for the mower to drive through.

Above, the view from the deck. Photo by Armand Vaquer.

That was no problem. But since the back yard is hilly and rocky, it would not be easy to drive the mower through to get to the front and side areas. After a couple of close calls (of getting stuck), the mower made it in. This is the first time I brought the mower into the fenced inner yard.

Once I got the mower inside the yard, I proceeded to mow it. Had I used my string trimmer instead, the chore would take hours or days to get done. 

Above, yard work done, now it's Alien times.

After I finished, I drove the mower to the back gate (and almost getting stuck again) and back out though to the utility road. Mission accomplished!

When I was done putting the mower back into the garage, it was Alien (Amber Ale) time!

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