Monday, September 5, 2022

10 Worst U.S. States To Retire In 2022

Above, the mesas across the valley from Jamestown, New Mexico. Photo by Armand Vaquer.

Money Inc. has posted a list of ten states they consider the "worst" U.S. states to retire to this year. One of which is my state of New Mexico.

They begin with:

The desire to retire and do all of the things you enjoy is something that almost everyone has. Who wouldn’t want the opportunity to retire to a place where they can truly enjoy life without the need to worry about getting up and schlepping off to work everyday. The truth of the matter is that it can be so easy to get caught up in dreaming about retiring that it’s easy to forget about the stark reality sometimes associated with it. These days, it’s harder than ever to make ends meet and it doesn’t get any easier when you retire. Choosing the right location to retire to is one of the most important decisions you could ever make. In fact, it makes a dramatic difference in the amount of money you’re likely to be spending during those years.

Below are 10 of the worst states you can possibly retire to. There are plenty of reasons why these aren’t exactly safe havens for retirees. If you’re curious, scan through the list below and figure out if the place you plan to retire has ended up on the list. If it has, it might be time to rethink things.

This is what they posted about New Mexico:

3. New Mexico

New Mexico has a lot of things up against it right now. It’s not always the best place to retire because it has a lot of hot, dry days and it’s desert-like climate simply doesn’t work all that well for every retiree. If you love that type of weather, good for you. If it’s something you’ve always dreaded, you’re not going to enjoy it there because it’s like that for most of the year.

In addition, New Mexico doesn’t manage their state budget particularly well. In fact, they’re usually in the red. That means that there are less services for you to take advantage of, should you need them. A lot of people point out that New Mexico has a lower cost of living than a lot of states, but it won’t do you any good if you’re stuck somewhere trying to get health care and you can’t access it because the state can’t afford to provide it in the first place.

Yes, the state does have its problems. It has been under control of the Democrat Party for years with their mismanagement and corruption. So they are correct about the state budget. And, it does have a lower cost of living.

I am one who likes the climate. It is actually cooler in August in New Mexico than it is in Los Angeles. During monsoon season, it is not all that dry. This year's monsoon has been a wet one. The winter snows aren't that bad either. The food here is great.

I do have to disagree on health care services. Since I am on Medicare, I have been able to get decent health care since I live near Gallup. I have no complaints. Friends here with health issue have good access to health care services. On occasion, they have to drive to Albuquerque for it, but they don't seem to mind the drive (which is actually a nice drive).

I live in a community with a lot of retirees. All enjoy the lifestyle in New Mexico. So it isn't as bad as Money Inc. makes it out to be. It would be a lot better if the Democrats are voted out this coming November.

To read more, go here.

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