Tuesday, September 6, 2022

FBI Secretly Pressured Americans To Waive Away Their Gun Rights

There was once a time when the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) was a respected government agency who investigated crimes without consideration of politics or partisanship and acted lawfully.

That is no longer the case.

The Daily Caller posted an exclusive article on how the FBI secretly pressured citizens to waive away their gun rights.

They begin it with:

  • The FBI secretly provided forms to Americans between 2016 and 2019 to “voluntarily” relinquish their rights to own, buy or even use firearms, according to internal documents and communications. 
  • The signed forms, which were unearthed by the firearms rights group Gun Owners of America (GOA), raise serious legal questions, lawyers say.
  • “We’re into a pre-crime, Minority Report type of world where the FBI believes it can take constitutional rights away from anyone it thinks possibly might pose a threat in the future,” said Robert Olson, outside counsel for GOA. 

The FBI secretly pressured Americans into signing forms that relinquish their rights to own, purchase or even use firearms, according to a trove of internal documents and communications obtained by the Daily Caller News Foundation.

The forms were presented by the FBI to people at their homes and in other undisclosed locations, according to bureau documents unearthed through the Freedom of Information Act by the firearm rights group Gun Owners of America (GOA) and shared with the DCNF. At least 15 people between 2016 and 2019 signed the secret forms, which ask signatories to declare themselves as either a “danger” to themselves or others or lacking “mental capacity adequately to contract or manage” their lives.

Remember who was the director of the FBI during that time? It was James B. Comey, the most dishonest FBI director ever.

To read more, go here

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