Saturday, September 10, 2022

How Likely Will Your RV Be Stolen?

Above, The Beast at the Meteor City Trading Post in Arizona. Photo by Armand Vaquer.

Insurance covering all kinds of recreational vehicles is relatively cheap in comparison to regular auto insurance. The theory is that one does not drive an RV quite as often as a passenger car, thus reducing risks to the vehicle.

One part of RV insurance, like regular auto insurance, is theft coverage. RVs do on occasion get stolen. Even though a stolen RV is covered by insurance, it is a pain to have to deal with the red tape in the claims process.

RV Travel posted an article on how likely it is that one's RV will be stolen. It is interesting to read as it also tells of the kinds of RVs preferred by thieves and where it will most likely be stolen. 

They begin with:

Every week, publishes news of stolen RVs in its Sunday newsletter. The hope is, with your help, we may be able to reunite a stolen RV with its owner. It got us thinking: Just how likely is it that a given type of RV will be stolen? And where are the most likely places for an RV to be stolen?

To read the full article, go here

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