Monday, September 19, 2022

Indian Ruins Indian Store

Above, the Indian Ruins Indian store. Photo by Armand Vaquer.

While en route from Arizona yesterday, I stopped at the Indian Ruins gift store in Sanders, New Mexico off Interstate 40.

I was wondering if there were any Indian ruins to see, but I saw none (maybe they have them hidden somewhere). In any case, I did some browsing around the store. 

I saw some things made in Indonesia. If I were a smart-ass, I would have asked, "What tribe is in Indonesia?" But since discretion is the better part of valor, I didn't,

There were many items on display such as pottery, jewelry, Navajo rugs, moccasins, handmade items from Native American artisans and many other things. 

I have passed by the store many times but this was the first time I stopped in. The pandemic of the last two years was the primary reason. I purchased a couple of things while there. 

To access the Yelp reviews page, go here.

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