Thursday, September 22, 2022

Internet Back On

Above, good thing I had some cash on me when I went to BJ's Kountry Store. Photo by Armand Vaquer.

The Internet was down for most of yesterday in Gallup area of McKinley County in New Mexico. I don't know what the problem was, but I first learned of it around noon while doing some grocery shopping at BJ's Kountry Store in Thoreau. 

ATMs, card purchase machines and other things that rely on the Internet were not working. Luckily, I had some cash on me and bought what I needed to get by.

It briefly came back on last evening, but blinked out again. I went to bed early. I woke up to find it up and running and with over 120 emails waiting in my In Box. Most of them were junk emails.

Later today, I will be headed to Albuquerque to catch my early morning flight to Los Angeles on Friday for the 50ish Hawthorne High School Reunion. I will be meeting up with Mitch Geriminsky and Dwight Kuntz at the hotel near LAX. The reunion will be held in next-door El Segundo. This will be the first time I'll be stepping foot in L.A. since I moved to New Mexico four and a half years ago.

I spent yesterday, since there was no Internet to use, doing laundry and packing. It was just as well for it rained in the late afternoon and evening.

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