Monday, September 19, 2022

"Ranching Uncanceled" Series On Ranchers and Government Overreach

Above, cattle corralled near Cibola National Forest. Photo by Armand Vaquer.

Many Americans have only experienced government overreach and outright tyranny just recently.

According to an article in the PiƱon Post, ranchers have been experienced it for years. Fortunately, people can be made aware of this in a new series called "Ranching Uncanceled".

The article begins with:

A new series done by Ben Luna of Lexit called features the stories of ranchers fighting the government from being “canceled” by overreach aiming at snagging the land that they’ve been ranching on for generations. 

The series called “Ranching Uncanceled” showcases stories of ranchers, such as that of Mike and Kelly Goss, owners of the Sacramento Grazing Allotment (SGA) in the Lincoln National Forest. The Goss family is successor to cattle operations that have existed in the Sacramento Mountains since the 1880s.

They have been battling the government for years against attacks on their grazing rights, including severe limits to the number of cattle and other drastic measures. Their story is featured in the first episode of the project.

To read more, go here

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