Wednesday, September 7, 2022

Red Skelton's Autograph

Above, the Red Skelton photo and autograph. Photo by Armand Vaquer.

Today was Larry Lucier's physical therapy day in Gallup. 

After driving him into town and dropping him off at his therapist, I went and got myself a haircut and once that was done, I headed over to the picture framer to pick up my Red Skelton autographed card and photo. 

I got Skelton's autograph in 1972 in the lobby of the Century Plaza Hotel where he just arrived to attend a campaign dinner for President Nixon. So, it was about time I had it framed. Hard to believe this took place 50 years ago.

I haven't yet decided where in the den I am going to hang it. I'll do so tomorrow.

I like how it came out with the white frame and the black matte. The photo is of Skelton as "Freddy the Freeloader".

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