Sunday, September 25, 2022

Reflections On My L.A. Visit

Above, Dawn and I on Friday. (Yes, Maria, she was dressed.)

Following a fun weekend at our 50ish Hawthorne High School Reunion, I am now back home in Jamestown, New Mexico. This was my first visit to L.A. since I moved out of California.

The reunion was enjoyed by all who attended. I got to see many classmates there, most of which I hadn't seen since either graduation in 1972 or at some of the other reunions over the years. The dinner (I had chicken) was very good, so I have to give kudos to Embassy Suites in El Segundo.

Above, Dwight and Mitch at King Harbor in Redondo Beach. Photo by Armand Vaquer.

The next day, Mitch Geriminsky, Dwight Kuntz and I went to the Redondo Beach Pier and cruised around the South Bay area of Los Angeles. Much of it looked the same and much changed a lot. Unfortunately, it was more congested with traffic than I remembered since I moved to New Mexico four years ago. The quality of life has gone into the toilet.

Above, Mitch and I at King Harbor. Photo by Dwight Kuntz.

We saw first-hand how liberal crime policies have been detrimental for businesses. At CVS in Hawthorne, a woman shoplifted in plain view and the employees were powerless to do anything about it. The perp was a female repeat offender. There was no security guard there. Very sad.

Above, dinner at Pancho's in Manhattan Beach. From left, Mark Holloway, yours truly, Dwight Kuntz and Mitch Geriminsky.

We met with Mark Holloway at Pancho's Mexican Restaurant in Manhattan Beach Saturday evening an had a great time catching up over great food. The place hadn't changed since I used to bring Young Republican friends there when we had a convention in L.A.

On Friday, before the reunion, I went to the San Fernando Valley and went to Tommy's for a breakfast sandwich and then checked on the Superman plaque and met with Dawn for a few hours. I hadn't seen her since I moved. We had a good time catching up. She looked great. I thought I sent her a picture of the "Three Mesas" painting Asya did, but she said I didn't. I sent it to her later and said it was beautiful.

Above, Asya in Albania in a photo she sent while I was in L.A.

During my time in L.A., Asya sent some photos of her trip to Albania. It is a prettier place than I would ever have expected. It's a beautiful Mediterranean nation that was once part of the Soviet bloc. 

Above, typical high L.A. gas prices. Photo by Armand Vaquer.

The gas prices, on average, were two dollars more than in New Mexico. All were over $5.00/gallon, with many over $6.00/gallon. That's another result of liberal Democrat policies. They've ruined California.

Sadly, many decrepit RVs of homeless people in the Ballona Wetlands north of Westchester. It was such a beautiful area, now ruined. Pretty much everywhere one goes in L.A. there's homeless encampments. Such a tragedy. The Democrats refuse to fix the problem. They just encourage more of it.

Still, despite all that, I had a great time. I enjoyed going down to the beach. That's the one thing about the state I do miss. But the visit drove home to me why I left California. The place is now a pigsty.


  1. I have to admit that I'm homesick for California. It's my home but I know that I can't go back and it makes me furious. I love California but the liberal government has trashed it and made it unlivable. There is a pert of me that wishes that I had stayed a fought my ass off to save my home. California is my home. I'm sure that you share my anger and frustration. California was an amazing place. I just wish that it could go back to what it once was.

  2. Yes, I feel exactly the same, except that I am not homesick. Until four years ago, i lived in California all my life and was born in Los Angeles. The Democrats turned it into a cesspool.

  3. You had to leave, as we all had to leave, because we were outnumbered. No way were we going to change anything in that state. We are all better off where we are than we would be living in that cesspool.
