Monday, September 26, 2022

Reunion Photos

Before heading to L.A. for the 50ish Hawthorne High Reunion, I decided not to bring my camera. I decided to concentrate on the festivities rather than shutter-bugging.

My phone's camera was sufficient enough if I wanted to take a photo or two. Which I did. Some are posted below. For the ladies, I am just using their maiden names.

Above, Mitch Geriminsky, left, and Debbie Cogan behind the check-in desk.

Above, Lili Dana chatting with Larry Bach.

Above, Debbie Cogan, Karen Masters and yours truly.

Above, Coach Bill Featherston addressing the gathering. I heard he's 88. He looked good.

Above, Lili Dana and Dwight Kuntz.

Above, Mitch Geriminsky on the dance floor.

Group photo by Tim O'Mally

Above, at one point we all gathered for this group collage photo. Dwight Kuntz and I were kneeling
 in front. After the photo, our main concern was being able to stand back up. Photo by Tim O'Mally.

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