Tuesday, September 6, 2022

Some Hawaii Airfares To Go Up 250% or More

Above, dancers at a Honolulu luau. Photo by Armand Vaquer.

Following the easing of restrictions of travel to Hawaii, some airlines, most notably Southwest Airlines, have been offering $39 airfares.

Naturally, airfares like this won't last long and common sense will tell you that they are not enough to sustain an airline. They are bound to go up. And, according to Beat of Hawaii, some will go up 250% or more.

According to Beat of Hawaii:

If you love the current $39 airfares being driven by Hawaii’s relative newcomer Southwest Airlines, and largely matched by bellwether Hawaiian Airlines, here’s our best suggestion:

Get them quick and enjoy them while you can. 

Your editors are taking our own advice and flying all over the state until the end of the year.

In many comments noted below, you’ve said you are grateful for the hugely reduced cost of flying interisland with both airlines. Frankly, who can complain about that?

But where is this heading? We looked around, and here’s what we can tell you. We compared the ten shortest nonstop routes that Southwest offers, both in Hawaii and on the mainland. The results are eye-opening.

To read more, go here

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