Friday, September 2, 2022

"True Grit" Undertaker's Shop For Lease?

Above, the store used as the undertaker's shop is on the right. Photo by Armand Vaquer.

The store in Ridgway, Colorado used for the undertaker's shop in True Grit (1969) appeared to be vacant when I went into town for dinner at the True Grit CafĂ©. The undertaker was played by Hank Worden.

Two years ago, it appeared to be a gift or home decorating shop. The photos that accompany this post were taken then.

Above, another view of the store from two years ago. Photo by Armand Vaquer.

I didn't walk up to it for a closer look, but it did appear empty from where I was able to see of it.

If it is vacant and available for lease, it would be an interesting place to open up a business with some movie history attached to it.

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