Wednesday, September 7, 2022

Tucker Carlson Lives In Jennifer Lawrence's Head

Above, Jennifer Lawrence.

Poor Jennifer Lawrence. She suffers from recurring nightmares starring...Tucker Carlson!

The Hunger Games star admitted this and has been hit with mocking posts on Twitter and elsewhere.

According to the Washington Times:

When a woman says she dreams about a man, it’s usually intended as a compliment.

Not so with Jennifer Lawrence.

A popular Fox News host haunts the liberal Hollywood actress in her sleep, she said in an interview released Tuesday.

“She even discussed with her therapist the recurring nightmares she has about Tucker Carlson,” Vogue magazine writer Abby Aguirre wrote in a lengthy profile for the magazine’s October issue.

The Carlson-haunted nights are the result of her conservative birth family in Kentucky and their unimaginable support for former President Donald Trump and their watching Fox News, she said.

She's either still traumatized over the release online of nude photographs of her or she overdosed on the Hollywood liberal Kool-Aid. What a kook! Well, liberalism is a mental illness.

To read more, go here

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