Tuesday, September 20, 2022

Yellowstone August Visitation Down

Above, the Yellowstone River. Photo by Armand Vaquer.

The floods of June did more to Yellowstone National Park than just wash out roads and infructure. Visitation to the park is down from a year before.

Outside of a loss of revenue for park vendors and surrounding towns, having fewer people is not totally a bad thing. With fewer crowds, the experience to those who did visit is much more pleasant and will allow animal and plant life to recover. 

The Idaho Capital Sun reported:

Recreational visits at Yellowstone National Park were down again in August as the park continues to recover from historic flooding earlier in 2022.

In August, Yellowstone hosted 582,211 recreational visits, according to a press release from park officials. That is down 37% from the 921,844 recreational visits a year earlier in August 2021, park officials said. 

To read more, go here

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