Tuesday, October 18, 2022

2022 Roswell UFO Festival Brought In $2 Million

Above, an alien display at the Roswell International UFO Museum. Photo by Armand Vaquer.

Putting on festivals and conventions is hard work that involves months of planning and organizing. Hopefully, when all is done, the festival or convention is a financial success.

That is the case of last summer's Roswell UFO Festival.

According to Border Report:

ROSWELL, N.M. (AP) — Roswell officials say the city’s UFO Festival had an economic impact of more than $2 million.

The Roswell Daily Record reports the Roswell City Council’s finance committee looked earlier this month at an economic report for the event.

It indicated more than 40,000 visitors came to the four-day festival, which ran June 30-July 3.

The cost for the city to mount it was more than $200,000. Officials applauded the results as a “10 to 1 return on your money.”

Staff who put together the report reviewed gross receipts taxes, occupancy or lodgers’ tax, ticket sales and other factors. They also analyzed data from trash collection to estimate the number of visitors.

I attended the 2018 Roswell UFO Festival and had a great time. I recommend attending a future one!

To read more, go here

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