Monday, October 10, 2022

Arrived At Monument Valley

Above, the historic Hubbell Trading Post. Photo by Armand Vaquer.

After four hours after leaving home, I arrived at Goulding's Lodge Campground around 11:00 this morning.

It would have been a 3.5 hours drive, but I stopped at the historic Hubbell Trading Post in Ganado, Arizona. I spent about a half hour there browsing around and bought a few things. It was an interesting place. I will post a full blog report once I get home.

Above, yours truly at the Hubbell Trading Post.

The weather in the Monument Valley area has been nice. It has been sunny and in the upper 70s (it could've been in the low 80s). 

After relaxing a while after checking into the campground and setting up, I took a shuttle down to Goulding's Lodge area. I had been there before, six years ago, but it had been cold and windy at the time. I spent more time looking around and wasn't in any hurry.

Above, the Beast at Gouldng's Lodge Campground. Photo by Armand Vaquer.

I checked out the museum, which includes Harry and Mike Goulding's living quarters. The building had been featured in Fort Apache (1948) and in She Wore A Yellow Ribbon (1949). 

Also, John Wayne's Cabin (as Capt. Nathan Brittles) in She Wore A Yellow Ribbon was open. It was closed the last time I was here.  

She Wore A Yellow Ribbon will be screened tonight at Goulding's Lodge.

Above, John Wayne's Cabin from She Wore A Yellow Ribbon. Photo by Armand Vaquer.

I ventured into the gift shop to browse around. Unfortunately, a tour group of seniors were in the gift shop and an old lady with the group "broke wind", fouling up the air. 

I wrapped up my visit to the lodge area with a beef stew dinner at the Stage Coach Restaurant, which had nice window booths to enjoy the vistas of Monument Valley.

Above, one of the window booths at the Stage Coach Restaurant. Photo by Armand Vaquer.

After dinner I headed back to the campground via the shuttle. I later had to go back to the area as the campground store had no "moo juice" (which got a laugh out of a lady shuttle driver). 

Tomorrow morning, I will be going on a 2.5 hours sunrise tour of Monument Valley. I am looking forward to that! 

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