Thursday, October 27, 2022

Carole Lombard Crash Site

Above, Clark Gable and Carole Lombard.

Back in January 2015, bought the book, Fireball: Carole Lombard and the Mystery of Flight 3 by Robert Marzan. It was the story of the January 16, 1942 crash of TWA Flight 3 into Mount Potosi after taking off from McCarran Field in Las Vegas killing actress Carole Lombard, her mother, Clark Gable's assistant Otto Winkler (Gable was married to Lombard at the time) and 21 others.

When the DC-3 crashed, the fireball from Mount Potosi was seen 40 miles away. 

A few months later, I was in Las Vegas and on the way home on Interstate 15, I took several photos of Mount Potosi from the side of the interstate.

I was reading the book this evening and then took a look at the photos of the peak that I took. Using photos from the book and other photos online as references, I pinpointed the crash site on the silhouette of the mountain. I circled the location on one of my photos and it is below.

Above, the crash site of TWA Flight 3 is at the circle on Mount Potosi. Photo by Armand Vaquer.

The DC-3 is still at the crash site and, occasionally, hikers still find pieces of human remains. Lombard's wedding ring has never been found. Her body was found with her left arm missing. Gable did offer a reward to anyone who finds the ring. 

An expanded edition of Marzan's book was published in 2017, which I also bought. 

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