Monday, October 17, 2022

Classic Rock Music Monday

The stuff that now passes as "music", particularly rock 'n roll, leaves me cold. So, to start off the week, here's a video of a classic rock artist.

Sooner or later, it was inevitable that I would eventually get to The Beatles. Now's the time. Last week, I posted a rarity video of the King of Rock 'n Roll. So to start of this week, the Fab Four are performing "If I Fell", a song from their 1964 movie A Hard Day's Night at a concert in 1964 in Indianapolis. Another rarity. The concert took place during the height of "Beatlemania". 

I remember going to see A Hard Day's Night at the movies with my parents. I didn't care one way or another about the group at the time (I was only 10), so it is curious why my parents wanted to go see their movie. Maybe to see what the fuss was all about. Admittedly, it was entertaining.

Some cousins did have their bedroom walls plastered with Beatles posters all over. 

Anyway, I did like this song at the time.

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