Monday, October 3, 2022

Don't Jump Off The Cliff With The Flag Flying

People who get butt-hurt over primary election results when their favored candidate doesn't win and then vote for someone with a snowball's chance in hell of winning in the general election are stupid. 

Case in point: there are those who feel Mark Ronchetti, the GOP gubernatorial nominee in New Mexico, is a RINO and does not deserve their support. Granted, Ronchetti was not my first choice, but he is the nominee and has the ONLY chance of kicking Michelle Lujan Grisham out of office. (If it makes you feel better, hold your nose while voting for him!)

Some are preferring to vote instead for Karen Bedonie. But she is only registering 6% in the polls. She may be more ideal to your way of thinking, but is it smart to subject everyone to another four years of Lujan Grisham? Then we'll end up with radical polices of the kind California's Gavin Newsom has subjected Californians to, turning the state into a shithole. Ronchetti may not be perfect (who is?), but he's our only chance.

If you think Lujan Grisham was bad in her first term, a second term would be worse. Already, the Democrats in New Mexico are salivating that if they retain the governorship and majorities in the legislature, they will hike taxes on New Mexicans. They are trying to force people into electric cars. They are trying to destroy the oil and gas industry. They are after our gun rights! Ronchetti has the NRA's highest rating! 

If she wins re-election, you can only blame yourself for not voting for Ronchetti and have no business bitching and whining when things turn to crap! 

Don't jump off the cliff with the flag flying!

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