Saturday, October 22, 2022

Dracula's Relationship Advice?

Above, Glenn Strange, Lenore Aubert and Bela Lugosi in Abbott
and Costello Meet Frankenstein (1948). Universal Pictures photo.

Some years ago, J. D. Lees and I would be doing something at G-FEST, either setting up stuff or taking down stuff. While we were doing so, we would be rattling off dialog lines from Universal Pictures monster movies (Frankenstein, Dracula, etc.). 

This would puzzle nearby onlookers with thoughts of,  "How could we be rattling off Universal monster dialog lines at a Godzilla convention?" It was a lot of good fun. 

Yesterday, during some email exchanges, J. D. and I got onto the subject of Abbott and Costello Meet Frankenstein (a favorite movie for both of us), which starred Bela Lugosi as Dracula, Lon Chaney as the Wolf Man and Glenn Strange as the Frankenstein Monster. He told me how he would use some of the movie's dialog with his daughters. The lines were pretty funny when applied to real life situations.

I had one of my own that I came up with about six years ago. I had to go into Gallup yesterday to pick up a case of Alien Amber Ale and it popped into my head along the way. When I got to the market, I sent J. D. an email.

It was adapted from lines Dracula (Lugosi) was saying to Dr. Sandra Mornay (Lenore Aubert) about the Monster (Strange) getting a new brain (Costello's).

I wrote:

For getting back with a wife or girlfriend, "This time she must have no will of her own. No fiendish intellect to oppose her master!"

J. D. wrote back:

That's hilarious!!! I'm glad to see also that you have no illusions about future relationships. - J.

J. D.'s wife Ruth also got a big kick out of it, he later told me.

Sound advice from the Count?

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