Wednesday, October 12, 2022

Goodies In The Mailbox


Above, the new Superman book and the American Silver Eagle coin. Photo by Armand Vaquer.

After a four hour drive, I made it home from Monument Valley.

It was a nice drive and I made only two stops. The first was for coffee in Window Rock, Arizona and for a couple of grocery item at T & R Supermarket in Gallup.

This was an enjoyable trip. I'll have to do it again.

While unpacking, I did notice something that did mar an otherwise great trip. A chrome wheelcover is missing from the passenger rear wheel. It either fell off (I didn't hear anything) or was stolen. It could have happened either at T & R or in Window Rock (at a Speedway gas station). I am having a Winnebago dealer locate a replacement. 

Some goodies did arrive in the mail while I was gone. I had ordered a Jeep soft top window repair kit last week. One of the vinyl (or plastic) windows is cracking, so this will repair it. 

My 2022 American Silver Eagle coin that I ordered a week or so ago arrived. Beautiful coin!

Next, which is a surprise, a book by friend Brian McKernan, With Thanks To Superman, arrived. It was autographed by Brian. Yours truly is mentioned and a photo of a group of us at the 2014 plaque dedication in Tarzana is in the book. It is a compilation of "40 years' worth of Superman reports, interviews and reflections." Looks to be a good read! (The Superman figure on the cover looks a bit like Leonard Nimoy.)

Thanks, Brian!

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