Thursday, October 13, 2022

Got Stuff Done

Above, about to put The Beast into the GOCO Beast Barn. Photo by Armand Vaquer.

Today was a bit on the busy side, now that I am done camping/RVing for the winter.

I headed into Gallup this morning to use an RV park's dump station to empty The Beast's holding tanks. They only charge $5.00 to empty the tanks.

Above, cattle grazing near the entrance to Cibola National Forest. Photo by Armand Vaquer.

From there, I headed to the Flying J to put enough gasoline in so I can run the generator every month. There needs to be at least 1/4 tank of gasoline for the generator to start and operate.

Above, one cow got out beyond the cattle guard, but it was heading back. Photo by Armand Vaquer.

When I got back home, I got the Jeep out of the garage and proceeded to put The Beast into the GOCO Beast Barn for the winter. After doing so, I added antifreeze in to the sink drains. So I was done with it for now.

After that, I headed to the post office to check my mailbox. When I was done with that, I relaxed for a spell on the deck with a rum and Coke and a stogie.

Above, the cow that got beyond the cattle guard. Photo by Armand Vaquer.

I got the urge to take a Jeep drive by the shooing area (it was in use at the time) and then over to the corral at the entrance to Cibola National Forest. There were several cattle grazing near the corral.

After watching the cattle for a while, I headed home. Since I wasn't planning to do anymore drives this evening, I put the Jeep into the garage.

It was a nice day for a drive.

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